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Anti-limescale treatment, what is it and how does it work?

Home » Anti-limescale treatment, what is it and how does it work?

Shower enclosures are an essential element in many modern bathrooms, offering comfort and functionality. However, over time, they can be subject to a common problem: the formation of limescale. Limescale is a deposit of minerals that accumulates on surfaces following contact with water. Without compromising their functionality, this problem can worsen the appearance of shower enclosures. Fortunately, there are anti-limescale treatments that can help keep Relax shower enclosures in perfect condition.

What is limestone and why does it form?

Limestone is a solid substance composed mainly of calcium carbonate. It forms when hard water, which contains a high concentration of minerals, is allowed to evaporate on a surface. When the water evaporates, the minerals remain on the surface, creating a limescale deposit. This is a common problem in many regions, particularly those with spring water or wells, as these tend to be richer in minerals.

The problems caused by limescale in shower enclosures

Limescale can cause various problems in shower enclosures. First of all, it compromises the aesthetic appearance of the surfaces. White, opaque limescale stains can form on glass, aluminum profiles and other shower enclosure materials, making it less attractive. Secondly, limestone can, in the long term, corrode with an irreversible process. This happens especially with glass, reducing the thickness of the crystal and creating unsightly specks at the foot of it (where, due to the effect of gravity, water droplets settle more frequently).

Calcare su cabina doccia

Limestone becomes visible in a very short time, did you know that?

How to clean limescale from the shower enclosure

To combat limescale in shower enclosures there are several more or less effective methods:

  • Descaling chemicals: There are various chemicals available designed to remove limescale. These detergents contain weak acids or specific chemical compounds that can dissolve or remove limescale deposits. However, they are strongly discouraged due to their aggressive and abrasive nature. They could irreparably damage the surface on which they are placed.
  • Preventive treatments: Use a brush to clean the glass and make sure that, after each shower, the water droplets are removed correctly from glass. This will prevent them from evaporating by remaining on the crystal and leaving the limescale to proliferate on the surface.
  • DIY treatments: You can apply DIY anti-limescale treatments, such as water and vinegar or water and lemon solutions. Mix water and vinegar in a 50-50 solution and help yourself with a soft cloth, proceed in the same way for water and lemon. These natural remedies can help remove limescale deposits safely.
  • Regular maintenance: The key to preventing limescale is regular maintenance. Clean the shower enclosure regularly to remove accumulated water and dry the surfaces after use, to prevent the water from evaporating and leaving limescale to act on the glass.
Prevenzione trattamento anticalcare

A squeegee brush is ideal!

The definitive solution: anti-limescale treatment for shower enclosures

Relax offers, without any surcharge, for its shower enclosures with 8mm thick glass, a long-lasting and effective anti-limescale solution. This involves additional processing of the glass, done directly during the preparation of the shower enclosure, before it even arrives home. The solution blocks the small pores of the glass, making the latter completely waterproof and resistant to attack for the next 5 years! The anti-limescale solution can also be purchased separately, for 4 or 6 mm thick glass and easily applied with a nebulizer and a sponge.

Our advice is to keep the glass clean, even if it has an anti-limescale treatment, preferably with a product tested and designed to also clean this type of processed crystal. How? With X.Clean, the perfect cleaner for your shower cabin, tested by the University of Padua for Relax.

Trattamento anticalcare su vetro doccia gocce d'acqua

With anti-limescale treatment, water droplets slide down.


Limescale is a common problem in any bathroom, but there are many options to combat it. In the world of shower cabins, it is one of the most visible and felt problems, which is why regular maintenance and cleaning are essential to keep the shower enclosure in excellent condition over time. If these are not enough or you want to solve the problem at its root, the Relax anti-limescale treatment for glass is the ideal solution to the problem. When ordering, simply add it to the cart, nothing could be simpler!

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