La doccia rappresenta un momento di relax e tranquillità per molti di noi, ma anche un’occasione inaspettata per generare idee creative. Perché le idee creative migliori ci vengono sotto la doccia? Ecco alcune possibili spiegazioni.
The distraction from daily worries
Many people find the shower a moment of relaxation and detachment from the daily grind. While we are under hot water, we have the opportunity to take our mind away from everyday worries and focus on ourselves, which can lead to the birth of creative ideas. All this because the mind is more open and relaxed, did you know that?

Better creative ideas in the shower: sensory stimulation
Showering involves several senses, such as touch, smell and hearing. Warm water flowing over the skin, the scent of soap and the sound of falling water can stimulate the mind and activate creativity. In addition, the shower can also be a time for listening to music or singing in the shower, which can also contribute to the generation of creative ideas.

The flow of water
The flow of water can have a calming and relaxing effect on the mind and body. This can allow your mind to roam free and generate creative ideas. Additionally, running water can also create a “white noise” effect that can help block out other distractions and help you better focus on generating ideas.

Better creative ideas in the shower: time for reflection
The shower can also be a time when you have time to reflect on a specific issue or problem. Being alone and away from distractions can help you focus on the matter and come up with a solution or innovative idea. Furthermore, the shower can also be a time when you have time to process and organize your thoughts.

The subconscious mind
Our subconscious mind plays an important role in generating creative ideas. Often, we are unknowingly looking for solutions or new ideas for the problems we face. The shower can be a moment in which our subconscious mind has the opportunity to emerge and present innovative and original ideas.

Best Creative Ideas in the Shower: Scientific Theories
Several studies have investigated why the best creative ideas come in the shower. An interesting 2014 study conducted by Oppezzo and Schwartz found that walking and taking a shower can boost creativity. The study involved 176 participants and revealed that walking outdoors or taking a shower had a calming effect on the mind, allowing you to distract yourself from daily distractions and come up with new ideas.
Another study from 2017, conducted by Ritter and Mostert, explored the effect of the hot and humid environment on creativity. The authors divided the participants into two groups, one in a warm, humid environment and the other in a cool, dry environment. Participants in the group in a warm, humid environment had more creative ideas than the group in a cool, dry environment. These studies support the idea that showering can have a positive effect on creativity and problem solving.

We just have to take a shower!
In summary, the best creative ideas seem to come in the shower for many different reasons, including distraction from everyday worries, sensory stimulation, the flow of water, time for reflection, and the role of the subconscious mind. This phenomenon has also been supported by scientific theories, which show that the shower can have a positive effect on creativity and problem solving. So, if you’re on the hunt for new creative ideas, try getting in the shower and letting your mind wander, you might be surprised by the results! (It’s rumored that the best ideas come while in a Relax shower, is that true? Find out!)