The term “Ideal” is generally associated with a model of perfection that is difficult to reach, free from defects, associated with a dream, a symbol of perfection.
When it comes to the ideal shower enclosure, the characteristics can be many, easily attributable to 3 fundamental aspects:
An ideal shower enclosure is above all elegant. It consists of elements that, without flaws or uncertainties, know how to combine the beauty of material contact and the functionality of the components. A precise action, with a marked simplicity: the elegance is not flashy, it is not noticed unless asked. Harmony, on the other hand, predisposes elegance to the attentive eye of the observer, and is his faithful ally – mixing, coloring, modeling.

An ideal shower enclosure is also functional. It therefore consists of many elements capable of making it work flawlessly. The functionality may seem obvious, but it’s not; it is what distinguishes the superfluous from the useful. The technical precautions that accompany an ideal shower enclosure are many and characterizing, each in its own way.

The ideal shower enclosure is finally: safe
Safe because it indicates the absence of worries, safe because it has been tested countless times, safe because it is the result of many years of experience gained. The tempered glass ensures a crushing in complete safety, into many small pieces, which do not injure the person.