Relax has always offered shower enclosures with an innovative design. And this is why we are always attentive to the artistic contaminations of our time. Hence the new Street Art Line of Relax, original designs like a true contemporary artistic graffiti. The first one we offer is Segmenti screen printing.
Serigrafia Segmenti is an elegant and original screen printing. Its lines and the geometric shapes that are created make it unique in the panorama of shower enclosures. It is the definition of a new aesthetic standard which is particularly enhanced by the fixed walls of the walk-in Wall, available with 6 and 8mm safety glass.

This serigraphy is also indicated in our corner, square or niche shower enclosures with an innovative design. Segmenti is easy to clean because its quality makes it unaffected by detergents as well as scratches. It is available in the colors black, white and bronze, in combination with the profile and the support bar.
Segmenti screen printing, like all our finishes, is also available in the made-to-measure shower enclosures. Design Giuseppe Diana. Made in Italy.